Ethical Policy - Goss Springs Ltd

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It is the policy of Goss Springs Limited that its employees and directors uphold the highest standard of ethical and profession behaviour.

The employees and directors shall dedicate themselves to carrying out the mission of our organisation and shall without fail:
1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in (during) the performance of professional duties.
2. Act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the professional honour, integrity and the dignity of all.
3. Treat all person with respect and consideration regardless of any personal factors such as age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, disability, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, or religion or beliefs.
4. Collaborate and support with other professionals to carry out Goss Springs mission
5. Build professional reputations based on the merit of service and refrain from competing unfairly with others.
6. Respect the structure and responsibilities of the board of directors and provide them with facts and advice as a basis for their making of policy decisions and also uphold and implement policies adapted by the company.
7. Keep the community informed of issues affecting it
8. Conduct organisational and operational duties with positive leadership; through open communication, creativity, dedication and passion.
9. Demonstrate the highest standard of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty and fortitude in all activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in such activities.
10. Avoid any interest or activity that is in conflict with conduct of official duties
11. Respect and protect privileged information to which we have access to in the course of official duties.
12. Strive for personal and professional excellence and encourage the professional development of others.
This policy will be held by the Quality Manager on behalf of Goss Springs Limited and will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that it remains relevant both internally with all employees and externally regarding the changing social and moral attitudes and business practices.


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